This is work in progress and is likely to change in future version

  • process.Processor([debug=False, preserve_remote_urls=True]) Creates a processor instance that you can feed HTML and URLs.

    The arguments:

    • debug=False Currently does nothing particular.
    • preserve_remote_urls=True If you run a URL like http://www.example.org that references http://cdn.cloudware.com/foo.css which contains url(/background.png) then the CSS will be rewritten to become url(http://cdn.cloudware.com/background.png)
    • phantomjs=None If True will default to phantomjs, If a string it’s assume it’s the path to the executable phantomjs path.
    • phantomjs_options={} Additional options/switches to the phantomjs command. This has to be a dict. So, for example {'script-encoding': 'latin1'} becomes --script-encoding=latin1.
    • optimize_lookup=True If true, will make a set of all ids and class names in all processed documents and use these to avoid some expensive CSS query searches.

    Instances of this allows you to use the following methods:

    • process(*urls) Downloads the HTML from that URL(s) and expects it to be 200 return code. The content will be transformed to a unicode string in UTF-8.

      Once all URLs have been processed the CSS is analyzed.

    • process_url(url) Given a specific URL it will download it and parse the HTML. This method will download the HTML then called process_html().

    • process_html(html, url) If you for some reason already have the HTML you can jump straight to this method. Note, you still need to provide the URL where you got the HTML from so it can use that to download any external CSS.

    The Processor instance will make two attributes available

    • instance.inlines A list of InlineResult instances (see below)
    • instance.links A list of LinkResult instances (see below)
  • InlineResult

    This is where the results are stored for inline CSS. It holds the following attributes:

    • line Which line in the original HTML this starts on
    • url The URL this was found on
    • before The inline CSS before it was analyzed
    • after The new CSS with the selectors presumably not used removed
  • LinkResult

    This is where the results are stored for all referenced links to CSS files. i.e. from things like <link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css"> It contains the following attributes:

    • href The href attribute on the link tag. e.g. /static/main.css
    • before The CSS before it was analyzed
    • after The new CSS with the selectors presumably not used removed