Getting startedΒΆ

Suppose you have a page like this:

<!doctype html>
    <style type="text/css">
    .foo, input:hover { color: black; }
    .bar { color: blue; }
    <div id="content">
      <p class="foo">Foo!</p>

And, let’s assume that this is available as http://localhost/page.html.

Now, let’s use mincss as follows:

>>> from mincss.processor import Processor
>>> p = Processor()
>>> p.process('http://localhost/page.html')
>>> inline = p.inlines[0]
>>> inline.before
'\n    .foo, input:hover { color: black; }\n    .bar { color: blue; }\n    '
>>> inline.after
'\n    .foo { color: black; }\n    '

As you can see, it automatically discovered that the input:hover and the .bar selectors are not used in the HTML DOM tree.

If you have phantomjs installed and can do things like $ phantomjs --help on your command line you can run mincss like this:

>>> from mincss.processor import Processor
>>> p = Processor(phantomjs=True)
>>> p.process('http://localhost/page-with-javascript.html')